Shakeitha Sims

Excellence in Leadership
CHEP Status: Active
CHEP Awarded: 12/16/2020

Badge Evidence | Completed Courses (4 Hours Each)

This course is designed for campus management and employees at all levels seeking a better understanding of creating a compliant culture in today's regulatory environment. It summarizes the importance of creating a culture that aligns with regulatory oversight as the cornerstone of an organization. A synopsis is provided on the interwoven relationship of the Triad with emphasis on the Program Integrity rules. This course also explores the "Do’s and Don’ts" for communicating with students throughout their education whether it is during enrollment, financial aid, education or career services. Additionally, specific sections provide management with a more comprehensive review of Program Integrity rules and how they impact faculty and staff interactions with students.
This course provides school administrators (including School Director, Executive Director, Campus President, Dean of Education and senior campus managers) in the state of Texas a working knowledge of the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) rules and regulations for career schools and colleges. This course covers all aspects of operations and compliance for administrative-level staff. The how and why details in the areas of Admissions, Administration, Financial Aid, Education and Career Services are covered in a user-friendly, multi-sensory environment that allows the participants to test themselves on compliance issues that are faced on a daily basis. Participants are advised to review the TWC rules and forms via the internet, throughout the course. This course has been created from the TWC's Statutes and Rules which govern the Career Schools and Colleges. Thanks to TWC's curriculum writers, content specialists and sponsors for providing the core content for this course.. Also, thanks to Career Colleges and Schools of Texas (CCST) for providing the additional content for the interactive features and assessment components of the course.
This course shows instructors how to develop a comprehensive approach to effective and efficient instruction. From preparation for the classroom to selection of instructional delivery methods, the course provides effective ways of planning instruction to help instructors keep the content focused and the students engaged. We also cover the steps to set up a complete evaluation system that will work in all settings.
Although online learning is becoming more normalized in our educational institutions, there are still many questions about its effectiveness for certain areas of study and training. There remains an idea that online learning is mostly passive and therefore unsuitable for anything active and specifically the development of skills and trades. This course will explore the changing realities of online learning and how effective it can be in the training of skills and trades. Strategies will be shared to facilitate the online teaching of applied skills in simulated and real-world settings.
This course explores the critical differences between management and leadership. Participants will be introduced to definitions and myths about each area as well as how management and leadership must coexist for an organization to operate effectively. Participants will explore their own management/leadership tendencies.
Not everyone is suited for, or desires, a leadership position. One of the first steps to being an effective leader is to understand the desire to lead in the first place. Participants will explore their motivation to lead and develop a deeper understanding of their leader style(s).
Beyond understanding the role of the leader, the ultimate effectiveness and impact of a leader takes into consideration the followers and the situation, too. This course defines leadership impact and explores the Interactional Framework for Leadership.
The higher education industry provides a wealth of opportunities and challenges for those seeking leadership positions. In this course, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the higher education sector and themselves. The importance of higher education institutions will be explored along with developing a personal leadership legacy.
Get ready to add a number of skills to your toolkit as you develop as a leader! This course focuses on increased self-awareness in communication styles and learning; developing deeper understanding through empathic listening; and motivating through innovation.
This course provides you with a framework to put your self-discovery and learning into a workable plan to further develop your leadership skills. A step-by-step process is offered to help you create a meaningful Personal Leadership Development Plan (PLDP) complete with the development of SMART Goals and advice from some of today's leaders in the higher education sector.
This course provides a synopsis of the essential tasks of leadership setting direction, aligning people, and motivating others. You will learn how to recognize the skills and characteristics of effective leaders, create an inspiring vision, and energize people to support and work toward your goals.
In this course, you will learn how to establish a team with the right mix of skills and personalities and create a culture that promotes collaborative work. The course covers steps to leading an effective team and includes innovative, easy-to-implement self-evaluation tools.
Skillful writing helps you accomplish your business objectives and extends your influence as a manager. In this course, you will learn to create clearer, more effective written communications. The course includes specific guidelines for preparing memos, letters, emails, and other common business documents.
In this course, you will learn how to strengthen your coaching skills by using a four-step process to facilitate the professional growth of the employees you coach.
How well do you work with your supervisor? This course will help you develop a mutually rewarding relationship with your supervisor. You will learn proven techniques for effectively communicating and negotiating with your supervisor, presenting problems or opportunities and accepting responsibility for your proposed actions.
This course provides concrete suggestions for forming virtual teams, including assessing their technology and communication needs, structuring the team to build trust, and keeping the team on track.
Note: This course is closed for new enrollments and will be retired on June 30, 2021.
In this course, you will learn how to manage diversity to extract maximum value from your employees' differences - including how to recruit diverse talent, resolve diversity-related conflicts, and communicate with employees and customers from other cultures.
This course will show you how to choose what to delegate, match employee and delegated assignment, and set the stage for success by both developing your employees and freeing up your time for critical managerial tasks.
This course will show you how to encourage your employees to learn and grow, while maximizing the return on the management time you invest in employee development.
In this course, you will learn how to prepare for, conduct, and follow up on performance evaluations in ways that link employee performance to your company's and group's goals.
Owners and directors of educational institutions are always looking for the magical ingredients to improve student retention. There are at least six easy-to-implement retention strategies that can make a difference in whether a student graduates or drops out. These include efficient admissions procedures, great orientation programs, effective mentoring, student friendly classroom involvement, fabulous graduations, and successful placement. Upon completion of this course, participants will have specific easy-to-implement retention strategies to put in place for every area of their institution.
This course is a collection of ideas and best practices drawn from the implementation of enrollment growth strategies at over 300 educational institutions nationwide. The course is based on a highly successful in-service training program offered by Dr. Joe Pace, Managing Partner of The Pacific Institute and includes video delivery of Pace's presentations. Filled with practical tips and suggestions, the course also discusses the application of current research results on human behavior and organizational culture to enhance student enrollment and retention. This is a unique course that will dramatically change your perspective on institutional effectiveness.